Block and allow apps on Samsung KNOX devices

This week a blog post about the capabilities to block apps from starting and to allow apps to install on Samsung KNOX devices. I thought it would be good to mention these capabilities, as many are only familiar with the capability to work with compliant or noncompliant apps on Android. That capability can only be used for reporting functionalities. These capabilities are specifically for Samsung KNOX devices and can truly, and literally, block apps from starting. During this post I’ll go through the high-level steps to configure a blocked app and the end-user experience for both capabilities. Information Let’s start with some information about what can be achieved by using the block apps from starting and the allow apps to install capabilities. When using the …

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Managing Windows Defender via Windows 10 MDM is getting easier and easier

This post is an updated version of a blog post that I did one-and-a-half year ago about managing Windows Defender, of Windows 10, via OMA-DM. As I still get questions about that post and the OMA-URI settings that are used in that post, I thought it would be good to mention that easier methods are available nowadays. Starting with Configuration Manager 1610 and the Microsoft Intune standalone update around March/ April 2016, it’s simply configurable through the console. No need anymore to configure all those OMA-URI settings manually. Within this post I’ll provide a quick overview of the configuration options, followed by an overview of the end result. That end result will show how the configured settings simply translate to the known OMA-URI settings. Configuration …

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Windows 10 MDM and the MDM Bridge WMI Provider

This week another blog post about Windows 10 and OMA-DM, but this week will be short and different. Starting this week I won’t be referring to OMA-DM anymore, instead I’ll be referring to Windows 10 MDM. The main reason for that is change is to align with Microsoft. Also, it simply makes more sense. OMA-DM is the standards based protocol on which the Windows 10 MDM protocol is based. In other words, Windows 10 MDM is not exactly the same as the OMA-DM standards. Technically speaking it’s not wrong to refer to OMA-DM, but it simply makes more sense to refer to Windows 10 MDM. That being said, this blog post will be different for another reason. This week I’ll try to bring Windows 10 …

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Managing Windows Update for Business on Windows 10 via OMA-DM

This week another blog post about Windows 10 and OMA-DM. This week I’m going to have a look at managing Windows Update for Business on Windows 10. However, this time I’ll group the currently available policy settings per subject, to easily provide some more background information. Also, by now I assume that I don’t have to go through all the steps to create a Configuration Item or a Configuration Policy anymore. To manage Windows Update for Business, IT organizations can use the Policy configuration service provider (CSP) and to report about Windows Update for Business IT organizations can mainly use the Update CSP. During this blog post I’ll provide more information about Windows Update for Business, the Policy CSP, the Update CSP and the available …

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Reporting Windows Defender health on Windows 10 via OMA-DM

About a year ago I did a blog post about managing Windows Defender on Windows 10 via OMA-DM, by using the available policies in the Policy CSP. This week I’m going to have another look at Windows Defender, on Windows 10, but this time from a reporting perspective. This time I want to report about the health of Windows Defender on the Windows 10 devices that are managed via OMA-DM. To get that type of information I can use the Defender configuration service provider (CSP). The Defender CSP contains the information about the health of Windows Defender. During this blog post I’ll go through the Defender CSP, the required configuration to get the Windows Defender health information and the administrator experience. Defender CSP Before starting …

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Setting up kiosk mode on Windows 10 via OMA-DM

A while ago I did a blog post about managing AppLocker on Windows 10 via OMA-DM. During that post I showed how to use OMA-DM, via Microsoft Intune hybrid and standalone, to configure AppLocker. In this post I’ll do something similar for setting up kiosk mode on Windows 10. Windows 10 Enterprise and Windows 10 Education provide a configuration service provider (CSP) for setting up kiosk mode. That’s the AssignedAccess CSP. During this blog post I’ll go through the AssignedAccess CSP, and its required input, I’ll go through the configuration steps in Microsoft Intune hybrid and standalone and I’ll show the end-user experience with the Twitter app as an example. AssignedAccess CSP Before using the AssignedAccess CSP it’s good to get a better understanding  of …

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Managing AppLocker on Windows 10 via OMA-DM

A while ago I did a blog post about managing Windows Defender of Windows 10 via OMA-DM. During that specific post I showed how to use OMA-DM, via Microsoft Intune standalone and hybrid, to configure Windows Defender. In this post I’ll do something similar for AppLocker. However, I have to admit that it was a bit more challenging for AppLocker. The main difference is that Windows 10 includes many different separate policy settings for Windows Defender, but provides a separate configuration service provider (CSP) for AppLocker. During this post I’ll show how to create the required AppLocker XML, what the AppLocker XML looks like, what the AppLocker CSP looks like and how to combine the AppLocker XML and the AppLocker CSP. I’ll end this post …

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Manage Windows Defender, of Windows 10, via OMA-DM

A couple of weeks ago I did a blog post about the different management options for Windows 8.1. In that specific post I already mentioned OMA-DM as a very valid method to manage Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 devices. To refresh the memories, OMA Device Management (OMA-DM) is an open management standard designed for mobile devices. The nice thing is that OMA-DM is also fully utilized in Windows 10, even the desktop version. That means that OMA-DM can be used to fully manage specific parts of a Windows 10 device. In this post I’ll show how OMA-DM can be used to fully manage Windows Defender in Windows 10. For Windows 10 it’s possible to manage all the settings available for Windows Defender. This includes everything, …

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Manage company policies on Windows Phone 8.1 via OMA-URI settings in Microsoft Intune

A bit more than a month ago, I created THE Windows Phone 8.1 Configuration Baseline for usage with ConfigMgr 2012 (integrated with Microsoft Intune). That Configuration Baseline contains all the currently configurable company policies via OMA-URI settings. At that time the management of OMA-URI settings on Windows Phone 8.1 wasn’t possible via Microsoft Intune standalone, but this has changed with the latest update to Microsoft Intune. That’s why I thought it would be good to dedicate this blog post to creating OMA-URI settings in Microsoft Intune standalone. As it’s not possible, yet, to export a Configuration Policy in Microsoft Intune, like a Configuration Baseline in ConfigMgr, I will simply show how to create an OMA-URI setting in Microsoft Intune. Also good to know, OMA-URI settings …

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