Getting started with Windows Defender Credential Guard

This week is again back to Windows. This week is all about Windows Defender Credential Guard (Credential Guard). Credential Guard is definitely not something new, it’s actually available since the beginning of Windows 10, but it’s still a little unknown and still not always used. A little awareness is on its place. Credential Guard uses virtualization-based security to isolate secrets and to make sure that only privileged access is allowed. That helps with preventing unauthorized access that can lead to known credential theft attacks, like Pass-the-Hash and Pass-the-Ticket. Besides awareness, there is also another new configuration location within Microsoft Intune that might be interesting. This post will start with a quick introduction about Credential Guard, followed with the steps to configure Credential Guard by using …

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Reporting Windows Defender health on Windows 10 via OMA-DM

About a year ago I did a blog post about managing Windows Defender on Windows 10 via OMA-DM, by using the available policies in the Policy CSP. This week I’m going to have another look at Windows Defender, on Windows 10, but this time from a reporting perspective. This time I want to report about the health of Windows Defender on the Windows 10 devices that are managed via OMA-DM. To get that type of information I can use the Defender configuration service provider (CSP). The Defender CSP contains the information about the health of Windows Defender. During this blog post I’ll go through the Defender CSP, the required configuration to get the Windows Defender health information and the administrator experience. Defender CSP Before starting …

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