Factory reset, Fresh start, AutoPilot reset, so many options?!

This week something completely different. This time no technical configurations, this time I’ll try to provide some guidance about different Windows 10 features to remotely reset a Windows 10 device by using Microsoft Intune. With the introduction of the remote AutoPilot reset their are now 3 similar features to remotely reset a Windows 10 device: Factory reset , Fresh start and AutoPilot reset. In this post I’ll try to answer questions like “What are the differences between these reset options?” and “When can I use which reset option?”. Factory reset Introduction The Factory reset action returns the device to its factory default settings. This removes all personal and company data and settings from this device. The drive will be securely erased. When triggering this remote …

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Simply installing the Windows 10 Accounts extension for Google Chrome by using PowerShell

This week is all about simply automatically installing the Windows 10 Accounts extension for Google Chrome. About a year ago I showed that the extension is required when using conditional access and I also showed earlier that it’s possible to use ADMX ingestion to configure Google Chrome. However, the latter is always the easiest method. It actually might be a bit complicated for a simple configuration. That’s why I’m going a different road this time. This time I’m going for a small PowerShell script that will create a registry key and value. In this post I’ll show how to create the PowerShell script, how to assign it by using Microsoft Intune and the end result in Google Chrome. Create PowerShell script As I’ve decided to …

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Remote Windows AutoPilot Reset

This blog post uses remote Windows AutoPilot Reset, to remotely trigger a device reset on Windows 10 devices. This capability is added in Windows 10, Insider Preview Build 17672 and later. This week it’s all about (remote) Windows AutoPilot Reset. That might sounds like something really cool and really new, but it’s actually not that new. Remember my post about Windows Automatic Redeployment? Well, that functionality still exists, but with the addition to trigger the redeployment (read: reset) remotely via Microsoft Intune, this feature is rebranded to (remote) Windows AutoPilot Reset. That means that Windows Autopilot Reset removes personal files, apps, and settings, by resetting Windows 10 while still maintaining the Azure AD Join and the Microsoft Intune enrollment. In this post I’ll show the …

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Automatically assign Windows AutoPilot deployment profile to Windows AutoPilot devices

This week another (short) blog post about Windows AutoPilot. More specifically, about automatically assigning a Windows AutoPilot deployment profile to Windows AutoPilot devices. That makes it a lot easier for administrators, as this prevents the administrators from potentially forgetting to assign the deployment profile to newly imported devices. Great improvement. Also, I have to say that this subject is documented pretty good, but it could be easier to find. This post is mainly for creating awareness regarding this subject. I’ll provide the options regarding to grouping Windows AutoPilot devices and I’ll show how those options can be used to create a dynamic group. Options Let’s start by having a look at the configuration options regarding the grouping of Windows AutoPilot devices. The imported Windows AutoPilot …

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Conditional access and legacy authentication

This week is still all about conditional access. More specifically, the recently introduced feature to create conditions based on the use of legacy authentication (including older Office versions), which is currently still in preview. By now, I’ve done my fair share of posts regarding blocking legacy authentication (see for example here and here), but now it’s literally getting super easy. And no need for AD FS anymore. This helps with easily closing another backdoor, as previously legacy authentication simply bypassed any conditional access policy. In this post I’ll walk through the required configurations followed by the end-user experience. Configuration Before going through the configuration let’s start with a quick reminder about legacy authentication. Very simplistically said, legacy authentication is basic authentication that uses a single …

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Join us at Experts Live Netherlands in Ede

A bit more than a week from now, June 19, Experts Live Netherlands will be in Ede. Experts Live Netherlands is the biggest Microsoft community event of the BeNeLux, with over a 1000 visitors. Together with my finest colleague, Arjan Vroege, I will deliver a session about your ultimate hybrid workplace. And we hope to see you there! About our session During this session we will take you into the world of the hybrid workplace. The modern workplace is a great story, for cloud only organizations, but the reality is often that there are a lot of components still on-premises. During this session we will touch the different delegate subjects from identity until apps and from management until connectivity. That means, a lot of ground …

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Conditional access and device state

This week back in conditional access again. More specifically, the recently introduced feature to exclude devices based on the device state, which is currently still in preview. This enables organizations to exclude managed devices (Hybrid Azure AD joined and/ or compliant) from a conditional access policy. That means that the conditional access policy will only be applicable to unmanaged devices. This enables new scenarios and makes existing scenarios easier. Think about using session controls to enable a limited experience within cloud apps, for unmanaged devices only. In this post I’ll show the very simply and straight forward configuration, followed by the end-user experience. Configuration The configurations that make the most sense for using the device state are related to the access controls. At least, in …

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Windows enrollment status page

This week is all about the enrollment status page for Windows 10, version 1803 and later, devices. Yes, I know that I’m not the first to write about this subject and I won’t be the last either, but I really thought that this feature deserves and demands a place on my blog. With the recent updates to Microsoft Intune, it’s now possible to enable the enrollment status page, as a preview feature, for Windows 10, version 1803 and later devices. This feature is often mentioned in combination with Windows AutoPilot, and it’s a great addition, but it’s good to remember that it’s actually applicable to any Azure AD joined (and Intune managed) Windows device. Not just Windows AutoPilot. In this post I’ll walk through the …

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App protection policies and device management state

This week is all about creating some additional awareness for the capability of assigning app protection policies and differentiating between the management state of the devices of the user. Since recently it’s possible to assign app protection policies to either Intune managed devices or unmanaged devices. This can help with differentiating between Intune managed devices and unmanaged (MAM only) devices. For example, have more strict data loss prevention configurations for MAM only devices compared to MDM managed devices. In this post I’ll show the available configuration followed by results from an administrator perspective. Configuration Let’s start by having a look at the available configuration options. I’ll do that by walking through the steps for creating and configuring an app protection policy. These steps are shown …

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Conditional access and guest users

This week back in conditional access. More specifically, the recently introduced feature to assign a conditional access policy to All guest users, which is currently still in preview. At the same time also the ability to assign to Directory roles was introduced. The idea for both is the same. The first is to specifically assign to guest users and the second is to assign to specific roles in the directory. This post will focus on the first scenario. I’ll show the very simply and straight forward configuration, followed by the end-user experience. Configuration Microsoft Teams is getting really hot for collaboration. This also creates a very low bar for inviting external parties (B2B) to collaborate with. Working together. Of course this should be facilitated to …

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