Conditional access and persistent browser sessions

Like last week, this week is also about conditional access. This week is about the recently introduced session control of Persistent browser session (preview). It was already possible to configure the persistence of browser sessions by using the company branding configuration, but this new session control provides the administrator with a lot more granularity. In this post I’ll start with a short introduction about this new session control and the behavior that the session control controls. After that I’ll show the configuration steps, followed by the administrator experience.  Introduction Now let’s start with a short introduction about the Persistent browser session (preview) session control. A persistent browser session allows the end-user to remain signed in after closing and reopening their browser window. The default configuration …

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Conditional access and requiring app protection policy

This week is focused on conditional access and the recently introduced grant control of Require app protection policy (preview). I already tweeted about it a couple of weeks a go, but I thought that it would be good to also write a little bit about this grant control. The Require app protection policy (preview) grant control could be seen as the successor of the Require approved client app grant control. The main difference is that the new Require app protection policy (preview) grant control will be more flexible. In this post I’ll start with a short introduction about this new grant control, followed by a configuration example. That example will be about a scenario for accessing Exchange Online. I’ll end this post by showing the …

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Using the power of ConfigMgr together with Microsoft Intune to determine device compliance

This week is all about device compliance. More specifically, about using the combination of ConfigMgr and Microsoft Intune for device compliance. In a cloud-attached scenario, in which ConfigMgr is attached to Microsoft Intune, it’s possible to use the ConfigMgr client in combination with a MDM enrollment. This is also known as co-management. In that scenario it’s possible to slowly move workloads from ConfigMgr to Microsoft Intune, like the compliance policies workload. In that scenario Microsoft Intune will become responsible for the compliance state of the device. However, switching that workload to Microsoft Intune, also limits the available device compliance checks. In case the organization still needs to verify the availability of certain apps, or updates, there’s a solution. Even when the workload is switched to …

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The conditional access policy flow

This week is still all about conditional access. However, this week it’s not about a specific configuration. This week it’s about the conditional access policy flow. The flow that will help with determining if a conditional access policy is applicable to the user’s attempt to access a cloud app and if access will be allowed or blocked. The idea is similar to the What if tool. The big difference is that the What if tool does a technical check to see which conditional access policy is applicable and this flow can help with determining why a conditional access policy is applicable, or not. Also, almost as important, this flow will clearly show how many options are available to exclude specific users and devices. This is …

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Block access to all cloud apps for unsupported platforms

This week something different compared to the last couple of weeks. This week is all about conditional access, but not about particular new functionality. This week I want to show a relatively simple method to make conditional access policies as secure and complete as possible. By using device platforms as an example, I want to show how to make sure that only device platforms supported by the IT organization can access company data. And really only those device platforms. In this post I’ll provide a short introduction of this method, followed by the related configurations. I’ll end this post by showing the end-user experience. Introduction Let’s start with a short introduction about this method to make sure that only specific device platforms, supported by the …

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Conditional access and Outlook on the web for Exchange Online

This week a blog post about conditional access. More specifically, about conditional access and enforced restrictions with Outlook on the web for Exchange Online. This can be used to provide users with access to Outlook on the web, but still protect company data. That can be achieved by configuring a limited experience for users with regards to attachments. The enforced restrictions can enable a read only option for attachments in the browser and can completely block attachments in the browser. In this post I’ll walk through the required configurations, with the focus on conditional access, and I’ll show the end-user experience. Configuration Let’s start with looking at the configuration. The main focus in the configuration is conditional access, but as that configuration has no use …

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Block access to company resources if certain apps are installed

This week is all about device compliance. More specifically, this week is all about the just introduced capability to block access to company resources if certain apps are installed. This enables organizations to truly blacklist specific apps that are not allowed when using devices to access company resources. In this case it’s not about the apps used for accessing the company resources, but it’s really about the apps installed on the device. In this post I’ll provide the configuration steps, by using OWA for iPad as an example, followed by the end-user experience. Configuration Before starting with the actual configuration, it’s important to get the bundle ID of the iOS app that cannot be installed. These steps are very clearly documented here. I will use …

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Conditional access and legacy authentication

This week is still all about conditional access. More specifically, the recently introduced feature to create conditions based on the use of legacy authentication (including older Office versions), which is currently still in preview. By now, I’ve done my fair share of posts regarding blocking legacy authentication (see for example here and here), but now it’s literally getting super easy. And no need for AD FS anymore. This helps with easily closing another backdoor, as previously legacy authentication simply bypassed any conditional access policy. In this post I’ll walk through the required configurations followed by the end-user experience. Configuration Before going through the configuration let’s start with a quick reminder about legacy authentication. Very simplistically said, legacy authentication is basic authentication that uses a single …

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Conditional access and device state

This week back in conditional access again. More specifically, the recently introduced feature to exclude devices based on the device state, which is currently still in preview. This enables organizations to exclude managed devices (Hybrid Azure AD joined and/ or compliant) from a conditional access policy. That means that the conditional access policy will only be applicable to unmanaged devices. This enables new scenarios and makes existing scenarios easier. Think about using session controls to enable a limited experience within cloud apps, for unmanaged devices only. In this post I’ll show the very simply and straight forward configuration, followed by the end-user experience. Configuration The configurations that make the most sense for using the device state are related to the access controls. At least, in …

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Conditional access and guest users

This week back in conditional access. More specifically, the recently introduced feature to assign a conditional access policy to All guest users, which is currently still in preview. At the same time also the ability to assign to Directory roles was introduced. The idea for both is the same. The first is to specifically assign to guest users and the second is to assign to specific roles in the directory. This post will focus on the first scenario. I’ll show the very simply and straight forward configuration, followed by the end-user experience. Configuration Microsoft Teams is getting really hot for collaboration. This also creates a very low bar for inviting external parties (B2B) to collaborate with. Working together. Of course this should be facilitated to …

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