Getting started with filtering and selecting Microsoft Intune data via Microsoft Graph

This week is another week focussed on retrieving data of Microsoft Intune via Microsoft Graph. This week, however, is not focussed on creating a solution, but on providing some guidance on getting started with filtering and selecting specific data. It’s relativly simple to retrieve a bulk of data, but in many cases it might be more efficient and better performing to immediately filter the data and only select specific objects and properties. This post will provide a closer look at the basics of the main query parameters and show how to use them to filter data immediately in the request. The examples provided in this post are using the managedDevice objects as example and are all tested by using Microsoft Graph Explorer.

Important: The Microsoft Graph Explorer can handle the use of spaces (” “) and quotes (‘) in queries. Make sure to encode those characters when needed. A space is %20 and a single quote is %27.

Tip: The Microsoft Graph Explorer nowadays also provides code snippets for PowerShell, by using the Microsoft Graph PowerShell module. This post also provides the related code snippets using that PowerShell module.

Note: There are still some quirks when using the different filter operators that are available. Throughout this post, the managedDevice objects are used as example and when the behavior is unexpected that’s mentioned as a note.


The $select query parameter can be used to return only a specific set of selected properties. The following example can be used to only return the deviceName property of the different managedDevice objects.$select=deviceName
Get-MgDeviceManagementManagedDevice -Property "deviceName"

To use the $select query parameter to return multiple properties, simply use a comma to separate the different properties. The following example can be used to return the deviceName property and the managementState property of the different managedDevice objects.$select=deviceName,managementState
Get-MgDeviceManagementManagedDevice -Property "deviceName,managementState" 


The $filter query parameter can be used to only retrieve a specific set of objects from a collection. That can be achieved by using different operators within the filter.

Equality operators

Equals operator

The equals (eq) operator can be used to query for objects that have a specific property that equals the specified value. The following example can be used to only return the managedDevice objects where the deviceName property equals ‘CLDCLN53’.$filter=deviceName eq 'CLDCLN53'
 Get-MgDeviceManagementManagedDevice -Filter "deviceName eq 'CLDCLN53'" 

Note: The not equals (ne) operator currently behaves the same for this object as the equals (eq) operator. The expectation would be that it would filter the opposite information.

Relational operators

Less than or equal operator

The less than or equal to (le) operator can be used to query for objects that have a specific property that is less than or equal to the specified value. The following example can be used to only return the managedDevice objects where the lastSyncDateTime property is less than or equal to the specified date of 2022-01-19.$filter=lastSyncDateTime le 2022-01-19
 Get-MgDeviceManagementManagedDevice -Filter "lastSyncDateTime le 2022-01-19"  

Note: The less than (lt) operator currently behaves the same for this object as the less than or equal to (le) operator. The expectation would be that it would filter the equal to information.

Greater than or equal to operator

The greater than or equal to (ge) operator can be used to query for objects that have a specific property that is greater than or equal to the specified value. The following example can be used to only return the managedDevice objects where the lastSyncDateTime property is greater than or equal to the specified date of 2022-01-19.$filter=lastSyncDateTime ge 2022-01-19
 Get-MgDeviceManagementManagedDevice -Filter "lastSyncDateTime ge 2022-01-19"

Note: The greater than (gt) operator currently behaves the same for this object as the greater than or equal to (ge) operator. The expectation would be that it would filter the equal to information.

Conditional operators

And operator

The and (and) operator can be used to combine multiple comparisons in a single query. The following can be used to only return the managedDevice objects where the deviceName property equals ‘CLDCLN53’ and the lastSyncDateTime property is greater than or equal to the specified date of 2022-01-19.$filter=deviceName eq 'CLDCLN53' and lastSyncDateTime ge 2022-01-19
 Get-MgDeviceManagementManagedDevice -Filter "deviceName eq 'CLDCLN53' and lastSyncDateTime le 2022-01-19"

Note: The or (or) operator currently behaves the same for this object as the and (and) operator. The expectation would be that it would filter information based on either part.


Contains function

The contains (contains()) function can be used to query for objects that contain a specific property that contains the specified value. The following example can be used to only return the managedDevice objects where the deviceName property contains ‘N5’.$filter=contains(deviceName, 'N5')
Get-MgDeviceManagementManagedDevice -Filter "contains(deviceName,'N5')" 

Note: The starts with (startsWith()) and the ends with (endsWith()) function currently behaves the same for this object, but should eventually be able to query start and end parts of properties.


The $top query parameter can be used to only retrieve the top number of objects from a collection. The following example can be used to return the top 5 managedDevice objects.$top=5
Get-MgDeviceManagementManagedDevice -Top 5 

Combining parameters and operators

Now let’s end this post by bringing the different parameters and operators together in a single query. The following example can be used to return the deviceName of the top 5 objects when filtering on a specific deviceName.$top=5&$filter=contains(deviceName, 'N5')&$select=deviceName
Get-MgDeviceManagementManagedDevice -Top 5 -Filter "contains(deviceName, 'N5')" -Property "deviceName" 

Let’s end this post by actually showing the response of the created query. That response is shown below. The number of returned objects actually matches the top 5 of objects that should be selected. Otherwise the response would would also contain a line with an @odata.nextLink that links to the objects.

    "@odata.context": "$metadata#deviceManagement/managedDevices(deviceName)",
    "@odata.count": 5,
    "value": [
            "deviceName": "CLDCLN51"
            "deviceName": "CLDCLN52"
            "deviceName": "CLDCLN53"
            "deviceName": "CLDCLN54"
            "deviceName": "CLDCLN55"

More information

For more information about the query parameters that are used throughout this post, refer to the following docs.

7 thoughts on “Getting started with filtering and selecting Microsoft Intune data via Microsoft Graph”

  1. I’ve found that not all properties of managedDevices are filterable either. Something like id eq ‘ 6B29FC40-CA47-1067-B31D-00DD010662DA’ just returns all managedDevices. I wish Microsoft would list these limitations so people wouldn’t bang their head against the wall for an hour trying to figure out why something doesn’t work.

    • Ya…. it’s super frustrating. Infuriating, actually…. Funny thing is I can use Powershell cmdlets to get this info…. basically, get-Autopilotdevice and then pass the managedID to get the Intune device. However, since I’m trying to use HTTP calls in Logic App, this doesn’t work. Wish they would fix all these namespaces so that all the filtering was universal.

  2. Hi Peter – I’m trying to return the OS type i.e. Professional, Enterprise, etc., but the filter command does not seem to work with the skuFamily value. I’ve tried both of the commands located below and the results are the same, return all devices regardless of their skuFamily value. Do you have any suggestions?$filter=contains(skuFamily, ‘Professional’)$filter=skuFamily eq ‘Professional’

    My ultimate goal is to use Graph API with PS to populate an AAD group with devices that are running Windows Professional.

    Any assistance is greatly appreciated.

  3. Hi Pete, long time lurker, first time commenter. Do you know if it’s possible to filter on multiple variations of the same property with the or clause? For example, if I use:$filter=startswith(deviceName,’alphaset’)

    I get the expected number of results. If I use:$filter=startswith(deviceName,’deltaset’)

    I get the expected number of results. However, if I use:$filter=startswith(deviceName,’alphaset’) or startswith(deviceName,’deltaset’)

    I get no results. I don’t get a bad filter syntax error, it just returns a collection of 0. I’ve tried encoding my parameters per the Graph query parameters documentation just in case with no luck. None of the documented examples seem to cover this scenario, so I’m starting to wonder if my issue is that I’m querying against the same property twice, instead of querying multiple properties.


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