Company Portal app enrollment for Windows 10

This week a small blog post about the Company Portal app enrollment experience, for Windows 10 Desktop devices, that has been recently added to the Company Portal app. This new experience enables the end-user to perform the enrollment procedure during the initial sign-in to the Company Portal app and aligns the enrollment experience with the other supported platforms.. This blog post will show this new enrollment experience, the new alterative enrollment experience and the end result. Main end-user enrollment experience Now let’s start by looking at the main new end-user enrollment experience on Windows 10 Desktop devices via the Company Portal app. This complete experience is nothing more than the following 4 simple steps. 1 The end-user opens the Company Portal app and is prompted …

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Deploy the commercial ID via Windows 10 MDM

Yeah, I had some problems this week with thinking of a title that would fit with the content. Usually I’ve got the title before I start with the content, this week not even close. The main reason for that is the fact that this weeks blog post is mainly focused on distributing the commercial ID that’s used for connecting Windows 10 devices to Windows telemetry related solutions, like Upgrade Analytics (preview) and Update Compliance (preview). As those features and terminologies are not that widely known, yet, using commercial ID in the title might not be very catchy. That being said, I used it anyway. This blog post will provide an introduction about what can be achieved by deploying the commercial ID, what the required configurations …

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Require multi-factor authentication for enrollment

This week’s blog post will continue about conditional access. However, this time I’m going to look at a specific scenario in which conditional access is the key to making it easy to solve. This week I’m going to show three options, well actually only two, for requiring multi-factor authentication (MFA) during the enrollment of a device. First I’m going through the different configuration options and after that I’ll show the end-user experience per configuration option. Configuration options Now let’s start by having a look at the different configuration options. When I’m looking at the different configuration options, I want to look a little bit further than just the Microsoft Intune enrollment. I also want to include the Azure AD join, as it’s a common additional …

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Conditional access is getting better and better and better

Yeah, I know, I’ve been using similar blog post titles recently. And yes, it might sound cheesy. However, looking specifically at conditional access, it’s easy to say that the current evolution, in the Azure portal, is better than it is in the Azure classic portal, which is better than it is in the Intune Silverlight portal. Based on that, maybe  “The evolution of conditional access” would have been a nice title also. In this post I will go through a little bit of history of conditional access, followed by going through the enhanced capabilities of conditional access in the Azure portal. Little bit of history Let’s start by looking at a little bit of history of conditional access. No, I won’t put all the evolutions …

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Managing Windows 10 IoT Core devices via MDM

This week a new challenge for a new blog post, managing Windows 10 IoT Core devices. The nice thing about Windows 10, even Windows 10 IoT Core, is the availability of MDM. The availability of MDM is what will help me with managing Windows 10 IoT Core devices. In this post I’ll go through the steps to create an enrollment profile to enroll Windows 10 IoT Core devices in Microsoft Intune hybrid. I’ll end this post with an overview of the end result in Configuration Manager Configuration Let’s start by looking at the configuration in Configuration Manager. To create an enrollment profile, for Windows 10 IoT Core devices, it’s required to provide a certificate profile and it’s optionally to provide a Wi-Fi profile. Create certificate …

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Block and allow apps on Samsung KNOX devices

This week a blog post about the capabilities to block apps from starting and to allow apps to install on Samsung KNOX devices. I thought it would be good to mention these capabilities, as many are only familiar with the capability to work with compliant or noncompliant apps on Android. That capability can only be used for reporting functionalities. These capabilities are specifically for Samsung KNOX devices and can truly, and literally, block apps from starting. During this post I’ll go through the high-level steps to configure a blocked app and the end-user experience for both capabilities. Information Let’s start with some information about what can be achieved by using the block apps from starting and the allow apps to install capabilities. When using the …

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Managing Windows Defender via Windows 10 MDM is getting easier and easier

This post is an updated version of a blog post that I did one-and-a-half year ago about managing Windows Defender, of Windows 10, via OMA-DM. As I still get questions about that post and the OMA-URI settings that are used in that post, I thought it would be good to mention that easier methods are available nowadays. Starting with Configuration Manager 1610 and the Microsoft Intune standalone update around March/ April 2016, it’s simply configurable through the console. No need anymore to configure all those OMA-URI settings manually. Within this post I’ll provide a quick overview of the configuration options, followed by an overview of the end result. That end result will show how the configured settings simply translate to the known OMA-URI settings. Configuration …

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Automatic edition upgrade for Windows devices

My first blog post in this new year will be about the feature to automatically upgrade the edition of Windows devices. This is already possible, for a while, for Windows 10 devices managed via the MDM channel. However, starting with Configuration Manager 1610 this is now also possible for Windows 10 devices managed via the Configuration Manager client. In this post I’ll provide the general information and configuration settings that are applicable for Microsoft Intune hybrid and Microsoft Intune standalone. I’ll end this post by showing the details of the end result on a Windows 10 device managed via the Configuration Manager client. Think about details like how this is achieved and the relation to the MDM channel. Information The edition upgrade feature can be …

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Updated tool: Remote Mobile Device Manager

My early Christmas present, for the community, is an updated version of my Remote Mobile Device Manager tool! This version includes a couple of bug fixes, a couple of added functionalities and a couple of look-and-feel adjustments. In this blog post I’ll provide an overview of those changes, I’ll provide an overview of the new look-and-feel and I’ll show the usage. For an overview of all the previously available features, please refer to my blog post about the previous version of my Remote Mobile Device Manager tool. >> The updated version is now available for download << Changes Now let’s start with a quick overview of the changes to this new release of my Remote Mobile Device Manager tool. This version includes the following changes …

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Send sync request to devices

In preparation for an upcoming new release of my Remote Mobile Device Manager tool, this week a short blog post about the Send Sync Request feature. This feature enables the administrator, in a Microsoft Intune hybrid environment, to remotely trigger a synchronization of a device and is available starting with Configuration Manager 1610. In this post I’ll provide some basic information, go through the methods to trigger this action, the Configuration Manager console and PowerShell, and I’ll provide some information about the administrator experience. Information Before showing the methods to use the Send Sync Request feature, it’s good to provide some information about when a device typically checks in. The first thing to keep in mind is that when an app, or policy, is deployed, …

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