Temporarily removing apps and configurations from mobile devices

This week is all about a new feature that is specifically for mobile devices, and that feature is the ability to remove, reinstall, and re-apply specific configuration policies, configuration profiles, and apps. The best part is that it can be achieved without changing the assignments of those apps and configurations. That can be really useful to help with resolving specific challenges and to quickly restore the productivity of the user. The apps and configurations that were removed will automatically be restored within 8-24 hours. Alternatively, the IT administrator can also manually initiate an action to restore the removed apps and configurations earlier. So, in the end, the focus remains on ensuring that the devices remain consistent with the assigned apps and configurations. This post will …

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Staging corporate Android devices

This week is all about the recently ability to stage Android Enterprise devices. That ability enables IT administrators to further prepare devices before actually giving them to the user. In a way, staging Android Enterprise devices is similar to pre-provisioning Windows devices. In other words, a method to prepare the device for the user and to simplify and fasten the user experience to get up-and-running. Before, the IT administrator would generate an enrollment token that could be used by the user to start the enrollment process. The user would then sign in and walk through the guided enrollment process. Now, with the staging ability, the IT administrator still generates an enrollment token, but instead of directly sharing that with the user, it’s used by the …

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Remotely locating corporate-owned Android Enterprise devices

This week is all about remotely locating corporate-owned Android Enterprise devices. More specifically, about the configurations that are related to remotely locating those devices. With one of the latest service updates of Microsoft Intune (2401) a new configuration was introduced to specifically block the location on corporate-owned Android Enterprise devices. That configuration, however, has a direct impact on the ability to locate those devices. Besides that, the availability of remotely locating the device depends on the Android Enterprise deployment method. So, multiple reasons why the ability of remotely locating devices could be unavailable. This post will focus on the available settings related to the location of Android Enterprise devices, followed with the steps to configure those settings. This post will end with the user experience. …

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Welcome to the still growing Android device management jungle: A summary

The second short post of this week is another extension of one of my sessions at the Workplace Ninja Summit 2022. At the summit I did my second session about Welcome to the still growing Android device management jungle. During that session I shared information around the still growing device management options for Android devices, pointers that can help with making the right decisions and information around the different configuration options. This post will provide a quick summary of that session by going through the different management options, providing important differences and summarizing the main configuration capabilities. The slides (PDF) of that session are available for download here. Android (device) management options When looking at the Android (device) management options, there are many options. And the number …

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Android Enterprise and Microsoft Intune: A quick summary

This week my post is a few days later, as my post is an extension of my session at the Workplace Ninja Virtual Summit 2021. At the virtual summit I did a session about Why you might want to use corporate-owned devices with Work Profile. During that session I shared a summary about Android Enterprise and I zoomed in on the capabilities of corporate-owned devices with Work Profile. This post will provide a summary of that session about the different important components of Android Enterprise and how that integrates and works with Microsoft Intune, followed with a zoom-in on corporate-owned devices with Work Profile. Most of that information will be summarized in tables and slides. The slides (PDF) of that session are available for download here. Android …

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Quick tip: Enable browser access on Android Enterprise corporate-owned devices

This week a quick tip about enabling browser access on Android Enterprise Corporate-Owned Fully Managed devices and Android Enterprise Corporate-Owned devices with Work Profile, to work with device-based Conditional Access. That will enable the user to eventually use different apps for accessing company data. That includes for example using the Chrome browser app for accessing SharePoint Online or Exchange Online. On the Android Enterprise devices, this requires a configuration in the Microsoft Authenticator app. In this post I’ll simply provide the steps that are required within the Microsoft Authenticator app. Note: Before providing the mentioned steps, a big thank you to Pat Freeman for pointing me in the right direction. Enable browser access in the Microsoft Authenticator app When knowing the availability of the setting, …

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Getting started with Android Enterprise Corporate-Owned devices with Work Profile

Microsoft has recently declared the Android Enterprise Corporate-Owned devices with Work Profile deployment scenario (sometimes also referred to as management scenario) feature complete. That’s really good news and also a really good trigger for a new blog post. This time I’ll skip the different deployment scenarios and use cases, as I’ve written about those here and here. Just to create a good starting point, I’ll start with a quick summary about the main characteristics of this specific deployment scenario in the table below. These characteristics will help with determining if this deployment scenario will fit on the use case. For a complete overview with the different deployment scenarios, please refer to my previous post around this subject. Note: Keep in mind that the user experience …

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Android Enterprise and Microsoft Intune: And the previously missing use case

This week is all about an addition to my previous post about the device management jungle of Android Enterprise. In that post I already did a brief look at the future and what Android 11 would bring to the table. At that time Microsoft Intune did not yet support a deployment scenario to address the Corporate-Owned, Personally Enabled (COPE) use case. The good news is: that has changed! Microsoft Intune now contains the deployment scenario Corporate-Owned Work Profile, which is currently still in preview, and that deployment scenario can address the COPE use case. With this blog I want to provide a refreshed overview of the different deployment scenarios and the use cases that are addressed. However, the main focus of this post is the …

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