Conditional access and requiring app protection policy

This week is focused on conditional access and the recently introduced grant control of Require app protection policy (preview). I already tweeted about it a couple of weeks a go, but I thought that it would be good to also write a little bit about this grant control. The Require app protection policy (preview) grant control could be seen as the successor of the Require approved client app grant control. The main difference is that the new Require app protection policy (preview) grant control will be more flexible. In this post I’ll start with a short introduction about this new grant control, followed by a configuration example. That example will be about a scenario for accessing Exchange Online. I’ll end this post by showing the …

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Remotely selective wipe WIP without enrollment devices

This week week a relatively short blog post about the ability to remotely selective wipe Windows Information Protection Without Enrollment (WIP-WE) devices. Almost two years ago I already wrote about app protection for Windows 10 (back than referred to as MAM-WE). That was the first piece of the without-enrollment-puzzle for Windows 10 devices. The second piece of that puzzle is just recently introduced, and is the subject of this post, which is the ability to remotely selective wipe those WIP-WE devices. In my opinion the third and yet still missing piece of that puzzle would be conditional access (require a managed app). Hopefully we can complete that puzzle soon. In this post I’ll show the remote action to selectively wipe a WIP-WE device, followed by …

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Quick tip: Intune Diagnostics for App Protection Policies via about:intunehelp

This week a relatively short blog post about a feature that already exists for a long time, but that is not that known. That feature is the Intune Diagnostics for App Protection Policies (APP). The Intune Diagnostics can be really useful with troubleshooting APP. Especially when looking at APP for apps on unmanaged devices.  The Intune Diagnostics provides information about the device, provides the ability to collect logs and provides the ability to look at the applied APP for the different apps. The Intune Diagnostics can be accessed on iOS devices, by using the Intune Managed Browser or by using Microsoft Edge. In this post I’ll only look at the experience when with the Intune Diagnostics. The experience Let’s start at the beginning, which is …

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Block app access for unapproved device manufacturers or device models

This week is all about app protection. More specifically, this week is all about the just introduced capability to block app access for Android devices with unapproved device manufactures , or for iOS devices with unapproved device models. That capability actually has two separate actions to choose from, 1) block app access and 2) selective wipe of corporate data within the app. This capability will help with preventing access from untrusted devices to corporate data. Really useful, as we all can think of some low-end devices (loaded with malware, almost for free) that should not be used for accessing corporate data. In this post I’ll show the available configuration options, followed by the end-user experience. Configuration Now let’s start by having a look at the …

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App protection policies and device management state

This week is all about creating some additional awareness for the capability of assigning app protection policies and differentiating between the management state of the devices of the user. Since recently it’s possible to assign app protection policies to either Intune managed devices or unmanaged devices. This can help with differentiating between Intune managed devices and unmanaged (MAM only) devices. For example, have more strict data loss prevention configurations for MAM only devices compared to MDM managed devices. In this post I’ll show the available configuration followed by results from an administrator perspective. Configuration Let’s start by having a look at the available configuration options. I’ll do that by walking through the steps for creating and configuring an app protection policy. These steps are shown …

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