Working with web sign-in on Windows 11

This week is a bit of a follow-up on a post of about two years ago and is mainly focussed on creating some awareness. That post was specifically about enabling web sign-in to Windows for usage with Temporary Access Pass. That web sign-in functionality provides a web-based sign-in experience on Microsoft Entra joined devices. At that time, that web-based sign-in experience was limited to Temporary Access Pass (TAP). Starting with Windows 11 version 22H2 with KB5030310 and later, that has changed. The supported scenarios and capabilities of web sign-in are now expanded. Besides TAP, it can now also be used for a passwordless sign-in experience with the Microsoft Authenticator app, a seamless Windows Hello for Business PIN reset experience, and even a federated identity with …

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Getting new users quickly up-and-running with Temporary Access Pass

This week is a little follow-up on a post of a couple of months ago and about connecting pieces of the puzzle. That post was around Temporary Access Pass (TAP). Even though that post was focused on Windows devices, it did provide some hints for using TAP on mobile devices (Android, iOS) also. An often seen and heard challenge is related to getting new user up-and-running. Especially when requiring Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for device enrollment, or when trying to work completely passwordless. Those scenarios introduce chicken-and-egg situations as a device must be registered for usage with MFA and the registration requires MFA, or when trying to work passwordless and an authentication method must be registered to be able to work passwordless. So, to get a …

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Configure FIDO2 security key restrictions

This week is all about FIDO2 security keys. More specifically about configuring FIDO2 security key restrictions to make sure that users can only use specific FIDO2 security keys, or to prevent users from using specific FIDO2 security keys. That makes this blog post a follow up on this post about enabling password-less sign-in with security keys. In this post I’ll provide a short introduction about the FIDO2 security key AAGUID (and how to find it), followed by the steps to configure the FIDO2 security key restrictions. I’ll end this post by looking at the end-user experience. FIDO2 security key AAGUID According to the FIDO2 specification each authenticator should provide an Authenticator Attestation GUID (AAGUID) during attestation. An AAGUID is a 128-bit identifier that indicates the …

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Enable password-less sign-in with security keys

This week is all about enabling password-less sign-in with security keys on Windows 10. I know that a lot has been written about that subject already, but it’s that big that it still deserves a spot on my blog. Especially the Microsoft Intune configuration belongs on my blog. In this post I’ll show the required configurations that should be performed, by an administrator and the the user, to enable the user to use a security key as a sign-in method. My user will use a Yubikey 5 NFC security key. I’ll start this post with the authentication method policy that should be configured in Azure AD, followed by the steps for a user to register a security key. I’ll end this post by showing the …

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