Migrated my blog from BlogEngine.NET to WordPress

It took a lot more effort then I hoped/ expected, but as you all can see my blog has changed. The most important part is that it went from BlogEngine.NET to WordPress. This means that the lay-out has changed and everything is just a little bit different, but as always you will get used to it! The downside of this move is that WordPress sets the links to the posts on a different way then BlogEngine.NET did. This means that if you had a direct link to an article it probably won’t work anymore… There are two possibilities to still go to the correct post: Remove the .aspx from the end of the link to the post Go to Archive as all the posts can …

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ConfigMgr 2007 and clearing a Computers’ Last PXE Advertisement by script

In a previous post I showed a script to remove a computer from a collection. This post will be an add-on to that previous post. As we are removing the computer from the collection anyway, we can as well perform a Clear Last PXE Advertisement –action. By doing this, it’s not necessary to perform a manual action the next time the computer needs to be re-imaged. An easy way to do this is to run a script at the end of a Task Sequence that will clear the last PXE Advertisement. This makes sure that a computer can get re-imaged as soon it gets added to the correct collection. For this you can use the script from this post. The usage of this script is …

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ConfigMgr 2007 and Forefront Endpoint Protection 2010

Let’s start this post with a simple question. What’s the reason why the new version of Microsoft’s Forefront Endpoint Protection (FEP) 2010 is so kewl? Well, it’s the same reason why I’m blogging about it, it’s because it fully integrates with ConfigMgr 2007! In this post I will go through the installation and the integration of FEP 2010 with ConfigMgr 2007 in three parts. (PART 1) Integration with ConfigMgr 2007 – How to install For the installation I will go through a Basic topology installation and its prerequisites (the installation has to be performed on a Central/ Primary Site server). (Optional) Install Windows Installer 3.1. (Optional) Install .NET Framework 3.5 SP1. (Optional) Install ConfigMGr Hotfix KB2271736. Run the serversetup.exe of the DVD and the Microsoft …

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ConfigMgr 2007 and removing a Computer from a Collection by script

I have to admit that it’s just really easy/ handy to create scripts to make life a bit easier. This also counts for this scenario… A customer wants to prevent, at all costs, that a computer can’t get re-imaged “by accident”. It already happened a few times that somebody by accident did a Clear Last PXE Advertisement on a Computer, or even on a Collection. An easy solution for this scenario is to run a script at the end of a Task Sequence that will remove the Computer directly from the Collection. This makes sure that a computer can’t get re-imaged, as it’s not a member of the collection anymore. For this you can use the script from this post. The usage of this script …

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ConfigMgr 2007 and changing the Package Source Directory by script

Sometimes there is a good reason to get out of your comfort zone. One of those reasons is moving the Source Directory of all packages to a different server/ share. This means there has to come a script to change the Source Directory of all packages, as it is not a job that you want to do manually, and scripting is not really my thing… But as it cost me some time to create something nice of it, I will share it so everyone can “enjoy it”. I created three subroutines, one for connecting to the SMS Provider, one for changing the Package Source Path and one for change the Content Source Path. The Package Source Path counts for all the different types of packages …

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Installing and enabling Remote Server Administration Tools with ConfigMgr 2007

It took me a while to figure out something that is actually very simple and logical… I couldn’t get the different parts of the Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) enabled by command-line on Windows 7 x64… On Windows 7 x86 it’s pretty straight forward, as it can be done with the default DISM commands. But on Windows 7 x64 it is kind of hard to get it to use the correct version of DISM. This is all because the ConfigMgr client is 32-bit application and whenever a 32-bit application wants to access %windir%\System32, it will be redirected to %windir%\SysWOW64. I tried everything, even specifying the whole path to the DISM executable, but it all didn’t matter… Until I finally figured out that there is just …

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Some often forgotten extras delivered with ConfigMgr 2007 R2/R3

I noticed lately that some extras, which are delivered/ copied with ConfigMgr 2007 R2/R3, are often forgotten to be used. So in this short post I will give them in a little time in the spotlights. Virtual Application Package Tools – The Virtual Application Package Tools are available in ConfigMgr 2007 R2 to help you manage virtual application packages in your ConfigMgr 2007 environment. The following tools are included: ManageVAppPackage.vbs – This script is used to update an existing virtual application package or to import a new virtual application. SetRetensionRules.vbs – This script is used to configure the retention policy for virtual application packages,. AppVirtMgmtClient.sms – This Package Definition File is used to create a package to install the App-V Client. AppVirtMgmtSequencer.sms – This Package …

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Configuration Manager 2007 R3 has arrived!

The System Center team is very excited to announce the release of System Center Configuration Manager 2007 R3.  This release is a significant accomplishment for the engineering team for a lot of reasons.  Not only does ConfigMgr R3 drive new scenario support to existing world class capabilities, it raises core functionality to new levels of industry leading status. ……………… For the full article take a look here: http://blogs.technet.com/b/systemcenter/archive/2010/10/14/configuration-manager-2007-r3-is-here.aspx

ConfigMgr 2007, Updating a Windows 7 Image with the latest Software Updates – A less conventional, but very effective way

Inspired by a previous post about the option to Schedule Updates for an already existing Operating System Image in ConfigMgr vNext, I created a little batch-file to do something similar without the GUI of ConfigMgr vNext. Of course, I do know that the ‘best practice’ for ConfigMgr 2007 is to just run another Build and Capture Task Sequence, but in some cases this can come in handy. One thing is for sure, this updates a Windows 7 Image within fifteen minutes. Background Story Now lets start with a little background story, to explain why in some situations there might be the need for this batch-file. Every month there are new Software Updates released by Microsoft. During the Software Updates Deployment the, for the organization needed, …

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ConfigMgr 2007, PXE Service Point and DHCP Options

As I’m getting some questions lately about the DHCP Options in combination with PXE Service Points (PSP), I decided to devote this post to those possibilities. When talking about a PSP and DHCP Options, there are three often used options: 060 = client Identifier (PXEClient) 066 = boot server host name 067 = boot file name Now lets start with saying: “It shouldn’t be necessary to make manual additions to the DHCP Options on the DHCP Server”. Now I can already hear the questions pop-up, what about a combined server of DHCP and WDS/PSP, what about crossing over subnets and vlans, etc., etc.. These are all good and justified questions, but not necessary. DHCP Option 060 In case there is a combined server of DHCP …

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