Restarting a computer couldn’t be easier!

This week I’m still staying in the new features of Configuration Manager, version 1710. This time it’s all about how easy it became to restart a client device. Restarting a client device became a right-click action! It simply couldn’t be easier! This opens up a whole new world for managing client devices with a pending restart. In this blog post, I’ll start with a short introduction about restarting a client device, followed by the simple actions to trigger a restart for a client device. I’ll end this post by following the activity through the log files.


Starting with Configuration Manager, version 1710, it’s possible to use the Configuration Manager console to identify client devices that require a restart, and then use a client notification action to restart those client devices. When the restart notification is received by a client device, a notification window opens to inform the user about the restart. By default, the restart occurs after 90 minutes. That might sound like a long period, but that’s related to the configuration of the Client Settings. The restart simply honors the restart behavior, as configured in the Computer Restart tab of the Client Settings.

Trigger a restart

Now let’s have a look at triggering a restart of a client device. The easiest method to trigger a restart, of a client device, is to first identify client devices that are pending a restart, followed by right-clicking those devices and selecting restart. To perform these activities, simply follow the next steps:

1 Open the Configuration Manager administration console and navigate to Assets and Compliance > Overview > Devices;

Open a device collection and add the new Pending Restart column (see below);



RC_RestartRight-click a client device, with a pending restart, and select Client Notification > Restart;

Note: Of course it’s not required for a client device to have a pending restart, before the restart option becomes available. The restart option is available for every client device.


PendingRestart_NotificationOn the Configuration Manager dialog box, select OK to confirm the restart action for the client device.


SC_RestartOn the client device, a Software Center notification window opens to inform the user about the restart. This notification can not be ignored. It provides a countdown and the option to RESTART or HIDE.

Follow the restart

The best method to follow the restart, of the client device, is by using the log files. At least the following three log files are related to this action and together those log files provide a lot of information:

BgbServer.log: This log file records the activities of the notification server, such as client-server communication and pushing tasks to clients. It also records information about the generation of online and task status files to be sent to the site server. When triggering a restart of the client device, this log file shows the information about pushing the restart task to the client device, followed by information about the generation of the BGB task status report (.BTS) in the inbox (see below).


CcmNotificationAgent.log: This log file records the activities of the notification agent, such as client-server communication and information about tasks received and dispatched to other client agents. When triggering a restart of the client device, this log file shows the arrival of the restart task on the client device (see below).


bgbmgr.log: This log file records details about site server activities related to client notification tasks and processing online and task status files. When triggering a restart of the client device, this log file will show information about processing the created BGB task status report (.BTS) from the inbox.


Note: The log snippets above show how quick the notification arrives on the client device. In my test environment that was within the same second.

More information

For more information about the restart client device option, please refer to this article about How to manage clients.

12 thoughts on “Restarting a computer couldn’t be easier!”

  1. Hi Peter,

    Is there a possible way to restart the systems listed in Device Collections without user confirmation? We have around 1000 systems are going over 1by1 with the user won’t be feasible.

    Please advise. Thank you

  2. Hi Peter,

    We would like to schedule the restart trigger for our workstations that are pending restart only. Any ideas for this?


  3. Is there a way to invoke the restart from Config Mgr using a power shell? I am trying to write a script where we can Invoke Restart config manager instead of giving shutdown /r command to a computer.

  4. Hi Peter
    As Michael in the first post does, I too search for a way to trigger the SCCM restart with notification, but through a command line from an application running on the client PC’s ?

    Like below command actually does (but only from the server or a PC with Config mgr console installed):
    set-location PRI:
    Invoke-CMClientAction -DeviceName “computername” -ActionType ClientNotificationRebootMachine

  5. Hi Dave
    We just had the same issue.
    The following script can be run as an application (just set a condition that is never true and CCM will keep retrying to run it) and will return a 3010 exit code to SCCM when a pending reboot of any of the four sorts are present. Otherwise returns original exitcode. SCCM will then schedule a proper reboot session and notify the user.

    Note, this MUST be an APPLICATION as return codes from packages are not handled by SCCM.

    function Test-RebootRequired
    # Initialize result array
    $result = @{
    CBSRebootPending = (Get-ChildItem “HKLM:Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Component Based Servicing\RebootPending” -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).CBSRebootPending
    WindowsUpdateRebootRequired = (Get-Item “HKLM:SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update\RebootRequired” -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).WindowsUpdateRebootRequired
    FileRenamePending = (Get-ItemProperty “HKLM:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager” -Name PendingFileRenameOperations -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).FileRenamePending
    SCCMRebootPending = $false

    # Complete result Array with SCCM client status
    $util = [wmiclass]”\\.\root\ccm\clientsdk:CCM_ClientUtilities”
    $status = $util.DetermineIfRebootPending()
    if(($status -ne $null) -and $status.RebootPending){
    $result.SCCMRebootPending = $true

    # Normalize Result Array
    if ($result.CBSRebootPending -eq $null){ $result.CBSRebootPending = $false }
    if ($result.WindowsUpdateRebootRequired -eq $null){ $result.WindowsUpdateRebootRequired = $false }
    if ($result.FileRenamePending -eq $null){ $result.FileRenamePending = $false }

    #Return Reboot required

    # Write-Output $result
    if ($result.ContainsValue($true)){$host.SetShouldExit(“3010”)}
    Return $result.ContainsValue($false)

    #call the function


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