Android Enterprise and Microsoft Intune: A quick summary

This week my post is a few days later, as my post is an extension of my session at the Workplace Ninja Virtual Summit 2021. At the virtual summit I did a session about Why you might want to use corporate-owned devices with Work Profile. During that session I shared a summary about Android Enterprise and I zoomed in on the capabilities of corporate-owned devices with Work Profile. This post will provide a summary of that session about the different important components of Android Enterprise and how that integrates and works with Microsoft Intune, followed with a zoom-in on corporate-owned devices with Work Profile. Most of that information will be summarized in tables and slides. The slides (PDF) of that session are available for download here. Android …

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Android Enterprise and Microsoft Intune: And Android Device Policy

I’ve mentioned Android Device Policy before, earlier this year, in my post about Android Enterprise and Microsoft Intune. In that post, however, I’ve only briefly mentioned that app, while that app is an important piece of the Microsoft management solution for corporate-owned devices. That’s why I thought it would be good to devote a blog post to that app. To simply show it’s importance. Android Device Policy is really important for configuring managed devices and also provides some nice capabilities. The importance should be familiar with any IT administrator, responsible for managing Android devices, and those capabilities are sometimes slightly hidden, but provide a good starting point for troubleshooting. Especially when verifying whether settings are already applied or not. In this post I’ll start with …

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