Running scripts on Christmas day (and any other day)

My last blog post of this year will also be about a new (pre-release) feature of Configuration Manager, version 1710. This post will be all about the ability to create and run scripts from the Configuration Manager administration console. To be correct, the ability to create and run scripts was added in Configuration Manager, version 1706, and Configuration Manager, version 1710, added the ability to use parameters with those scripts. It completed the functionality.  My Christmas day present for the community is a walkthrough through this functionality and how it runs on the client device. After reading this post you should be able to understand how your script can create the output and how you can find the correct GUIDs to follow the activity on …

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Restarting a computer couldn’t be easier!

This week I’m still staying in the new features of Configuration Manager, version 1710. This time it’s all about how easy it became to restart a client device. Restarting a client device became a right-click action! It simply couldn’t be easier! This opens up a whole new world for managing client devices with a pending restart. In this blog post, I’ll start with a short introduction about restarting a client device, followed by the simple actions to trigger a restart for a client device. I’ll end this post by following the activity through the log files. Introduction Starting with Configuration Manager, version 1710, it’s possible to use the Configuration Manager console to identify client devices that require a restart, and then use a client notification …

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The awesome world of child task sequences

Like last week I’m staying in the world of new features of Configuration Manager, version 1710. This time it’s all about the awesome world of child task sequences. Awesome. To be a bit more specific, the awesome world of child task sequences, which refers to the newly introduced task sequence step Run Task Sequence. This opens up a whole lot of options, from using specific standards throughout all deployments until enabling different administrators from maintaining their own child task sequence. In this post I’ll go through a short introduction about the Run Task Sequence step, followed by the configuration options for the Run Task Sequence step. I’ll end this post with the end result of running a child task sequence, by showing how it’s logged. …

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Super easy customizing Software Center

This week it’s time for a short blog post about customizing Software Center. And not without reason. About two years ago I did a post about setting the company logo in the new Software Center. I received many reactions on that post about why a Microsoft Intune subscription configuration was required to set a company logo in Software Center. I had no answer. Now that time is over! Starting with Configuration Manager, version 1710, it’s super easy to customize Software Center with Client Settings. Including the company logo! In this post I’ll walk through the available configuration options and I’ll show the end-user experience. Including an additional bonus about the Software Center icons. Configuration Starting with Configuration Manager, version 1710, it’s super easy to add …

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